Mike Griffin


`Expected string or block string, but it was malformed` when posting a comment to GitHub through GraphQL

A Walk For Mothers Day


Clonakilty Marathon Race Report 🥉

The first six weeks of marathon training


Adding dark mode

Connaught Cross Country, Leg two

Mayo Cross Country, Leg three

Fuzzy Searching Files in a Specific Directory in Vim

Saving Tmux Scrollback to a File


Commenting Regexes

Getting Started with Primer CSS

Soda Bread Recipe


Changing the volume in cmus

Planting Trees to Offset Climate Crisis


Recovering From a File That Should Have Pointers in Git


Deleting Old Emails in Mutt

Greedy and Non Greedy Regexes in Vim

How to Clear HSTS Settings in Major Browsers

Rolling Back the Master Branch With Git


Octokit and SSL

Speaking at the Waterford Tech Meetup


Autocomplete SSH Hosts

Drupalcon Dublin

Using Pipe With Ruby Scripts


Don't Be That Guy

Moving From LastPass to 1Password

Moving Email to Fastmail

LVAC XC Club Championships

Rock and Roll New Orleans 10k

Dublin Masters Cross Country


LVAC Cake Race

Leinster Masters Cross Country

Indent PHP Switch Statements Properly With Vim

Log Your Commits to Graphite Using Hooks

Moving Another Branch to Master on Github

Authz_core:error Client Denied by Server Configuration

Updating PHP Composer for Travis CI

Dublin Masters XC


Wildlife in the Morning

Strength and Stamina

Being Injured

cURL Is Amazing!

Hosting With DigitalOcean

My Sister's Race Report From The World Championships

How to Get Started With Running

Change the Time of Git Commits

Search Through Your Bash History

Arithmetic in Vim

Great Ireland Run and Tooreen 10k

The First Graded Track Meet is Coming

Creating a Debian Wheezy Base Box for Vagrant

Old Running Shoes

New Running Shoes

National Senior XC and MSBAC 5k

Change the Timestamp of Maildir Files

Mikegriffin.ie Is Now Using SSL

Liffey Valley AC Club Cross Country

Leinster Senior XC


Here's a good thought

Change the Git Email Address Recursively

A busy racing period

Dublin Novice Cross Country 2012

Puppet Errors With Version 3.0 and Passenger

Biggest run month ever

Thoughts on Automating a Dev Environment

Myles Cullen 10k Club Championships

Berlin 2012

Accessing MSSQL With PHP on Debian Linux

Benbury Peak, Near Mweelrea

Holidays in Dingle

Don't Lock Yourself Out When Remotely Administering Cisco Switches

RSyslog and LogRotate

Recent races

How to descend on a bike

Phoenix Park Duathlon - May 30 2012

CakePHP Tmp Directory Permissions With IIS

Barefoot running

Dublin Bikes

Filtering With Powershell and Get-ADComputer

3000m on the track

Kilmovee 10k


Dcdiag Errors

Avondale Cup

Zenphoto Deleting Album Titles

National Senior Club Cross Country Championships 2012

National Intermediate Cross Country Championships 2012

How to Make --no-ri --no-rdoc the Default for Gem Install

Sunset From the Museum


21 Gun Salute Practice

Dublin marathon medal 2011

Colour Schemes to Try Out

Changing the Text Size as a Test

Set the Timezone for a User Using Bash

Ironic Sign

Excitement at the Museum

Nice HTML colours

More with Sinatra and Factory_girl

A graphviz tutorial

A graphviz User Defined Language (UDL) file for notepad++

Cropped png and jpg graphs when using scruffy


Snow, snow, snow, snow, snow

Sequel dates come in two flavours

Using factory_girl with sinatra and the sequel gem

Installing the nokogiri gem on Snow Leopard

A real live Alot

Zebra striping a table with a ruby helper

A post to make you think and act

What I did yesterday

Obligatory First Post


Gower Medal

Dublin Marathon