A graphviz User Defined Language (UDL) file for notepad++
Mike GriffinI started looking into graphviz for creating network diagrams yesterday and got on quite well with it. It’s very straightforward and the ability to stick in icons where they might be needed is a nice bonus. I did however find it hard to look at a bunch of text that wasn’t highlighted in any way.
To fix this, I made a very simple user-defined language for notepad++. I use the Monokai theme so it really only fits that. It supports comments and all the keywords that I used over the last few days. So without further ado, here is what I came up with.
<UserLang name="graphviz" ext="">
<Global caseIgnored="no" />
<TreatAsSymbol comment="no" commentLine="no" />
<Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no" />
<Keywords name="Delimiters">000000</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder+"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder-"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Operators">; [ ] { } =</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Comment">1/* 2*/ 0//</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words1">label fontname shape fontsize style color splines image labelloc rank</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words2">-- -></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words3"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words4"></Keywords>
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="F3C989" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDEROPEN" styleID="12" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDERCLOSE" styleID="13" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD1" styleID="5" fgColor="FFFF80" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD2" styleID="6" fgColor="00FFFF" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD3" styleID="7" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD4" styleID="8" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="75715E" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="2" fgColor="75715E" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="0080FF" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" fgColor="00FF40" bgColor="272822" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER1" styleID="14" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER2" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER3" styleID="16" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />